Saturday, August 18, 2012


I feel like I have my mother back...somewhat.

So last week the neurologist recommended a new medication to help slow my mom down a little. Depicote. He called it "brakes". It's an anti-seizure med that is used for a lot of things besides seizures. Anyway, she's only taken two small doses but I can already tell a difference. I can carry on a conversation with her, she went to a party last night and stayed longer than an hour and she hasn't been pacing back and forth for food. She's not quite as OCD. I'm going to try to enjoy every minute with my mom.

I know there are a lot of FTD patients that don't take meds like Namenda or ant-depressants or Depicote because they don't feel like themselves but for the first time in months when I asked my mom how she felt, she said, "I don't feel like I'm going to disappear." This is huge!! I feel like I have my mother back. I'm happy.

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